BACK TO LOVE: The ballad of Manny and Kush

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We’ve got the first of a new series today, BACK TO LOVE, where we speak to real UK engaged couples about where they’re at, where they’ve been and where they are going, in this latest phase of Covid-generation wedding planning.

Its actually something we started putting together in July 20, but we’re kinda a one (wo)man band at the moment so here we are in March 21, but all good as now we can do it as an 2021 updated version!

First up we have a super special couple to us, total loved-up made-for-each-other kooksters Manny and Kush, who together are Studio Mush who have just joined the MC design team, we’re BIG fans of their punchy, glorious, illustrative work, with a client rosta that includes MTV, Ribena, TedX and CBBC. They have created the new posters and a new Digital product we’re hoping to launch ASAP! They’ve been through the mill with an original wedding date of August 20… read on to hear their story, appreciate their perfect combo of utter coolness and cuteness and join us in wishing them the absolute friggin best for 2021, heck even 2022!

All illustrations by STUDIO MUSH


Who are you both and what do you do?

We are Manny + Kush! We're both creatives and recently started up our own little illustration studio... Mush Studio.

Fave things about each other?

Manny: My fave thing about Kush is her randomness! She defo keeps me on my toes haha. One min she's super cute, belting out Disney classics and doing cute lil moves. Next thing you know, she rocking black lipstic, big-ass boots and blasting Lep Zepellin. She's got jokes too, not as funny as me but defo a close contender.

Kush: Hmmm I don’t think I can pick a fave thing about Manny. He is just a goofball, he can make anyone laugh and feel at ease. Also just super chilled, no stress no panic, he tackles most things very level headed which is so new to me! He will go out of his way to help others, he has the best improv dance moves and is super creative! Plus he has a good butt.

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How did the proposal go ?

The proposal was the best! It was our 5 year anniversary and Manny took me to Sketch London. We had been talking about going there for years as it's so arty and quirky so it was a complete surprise! We ended up having drinks in the enchanted bar and then sat in the huge pink Sketch dining room for dinner! After dinner Manny pulled out the ring! We also flew to Valencia the next day for our Anniversary which became our little engagement holiday!


What was your original wedding date and what has the journey been since March 2021 - both logistically and emotionally?

So! Our original date was the 2nd August 2020. We had so many vendors and plans in place so when it was announced the numbers would be cut right down we figured we would just wait. We had a lot of deposits paid so we didnt want to pay for a huge venue etc for 15 - 30 people, so we thought the best plan was to wait it out. However by October we were just anxious to get married and then we figured we would do a party even in a years time with all our friends and family. It was super stressful to organise this. We ended up canceling our custom outfits which we had designed ourselves, we cancelled our reception venue, props, dj, flowers, everything! We planned to get married on Nov 12th, but then one week before the wedding- Lockdown 2.0! It was really sad for us, but of course we knew it was defo best to be safe, it just sucked we had now cancelled everything! which now leaves us in limbo a little!

Manny and Kush at their traditional Sikh engagement ceremony

Manny and Kush at their traditional Sikh engagement ceremony

What did you do to mark the day that should have been your wedding day - sob?

On 2nd August we were still living in our little london flat. We got dressed up and went for brunch at one of our fave spots in Tooting! It had been months since we had left the house, so having a wander around some of our fave spots in walking distance, and eating good food was great! We also obvs ordered a takeaway in the evening and made ourselves some drinks!

For the 12th Nov I think we stayed in bed haha!

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What is the current plan now? And how are you feeling? How did you feel with the latest announcements?

To be honest, we're a bit stuck on what we want to do now. After the first announcement, we cancelled all our vendors / supliers / venue etc because we knew we wouldnt be able to do a big wedding anytime soon. So we then planned for a small wedding but the second announcement ruined those plans. Right now, we're thinking to just do a registry wedding maybe in the next month or so and then celebrate properly with all our loved ones when it's allowed and when we're in a better mindset about it all.


Have their been any the wins from the situations?

Not really lol. We feel like we were unable to do our big arty / quirky wedding first time around... and then weren't able to do our more inimate / cuter wedding second time round. The stress has gotten a bit much so it's a bit too early to see the silver lining at the mo.

Any advice or words for other couples going through the same thing?

Just do you, don't worry about the guest list, the big party etc etc Just focus on getting married, because at the end of the day that's all you're REALLY trying to do. We wished we just stuck to getting married on the 2nd August and dealt with whatever restrictions we had instead of still being in limbo. Big celebrations can come after... just put a ring on it for now.

Check out MUSH STUDIO here.

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Becky Hoh-Hale