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Press Night Advice

Although we have movers and shakers attending all weekend, Friday night is our official Press Preview, when we have loads of the most influential people in the industry over to come and witness your brilliance for themselves. It’s your opportunity to get in front of the people with the power and make a great impression on them, hopefully securing you for features in blogs, shoots, mags and more.

It’s still a relaxed, informal atmosphere, but here’s some tips to make the most of the Friday night Preview:

You’re representing your brand at all times, so make sure you’re feeling grand! If you won’t be going home between the install and the preview, consider bringing a change of clothes with you - and make sure you’ve had some food to ensure you’re dazzling people left right and centre (there’s loads of delicious food and stuff around The Old Truman Brewery).

Be prepared to talk about your work. We know, we know, it’s a very British thing to not want to chat about how great you are, but they want to know why you’re so brilliant. Chat about your work, what your inspirations are, where your ideas come from, how things are made…all this can act as a great ‘hook’ for your press angle (which you can read more about in our PR guide).

Make sure you have enough marketing materials with you – this includes look books, cards, and flyers etc. The Press may be schmoozing with a lot of people on the night so you want to make sure they have something to refer back to you. Something to make you stand out is even better, so maybe a small sample if possible.

Similarly ask for their card! If you had great rapport with them at the show, this gives you a way of chasing them up.

Have a system in place for press loans. One of the great things about the press night is it gives press the chance to see your items in the flesh, which gives them an idea of just how great it’ll look in their campaigns. Make sure press loaning is a possibility to encourage getting your work in front of more eyes.

Ready to smash that Friday night, team? GOOD.