Get Ink: An interview with the bad ass behind the brand Studio Oudizo, Ofe Oyasor


Studio Oudizo has that uber satisfying typography calligraphy style that makes your finger trace over the lettering, you can almost hear the scratch of the nib. Set up in a new motherhood haze by Ofe Oyasor (as so many of our businesses are here), who Is not only a master of penmanship, is a self confessed paper-phile, a purposeful and unwavering anti racism campaigner, calligraphy workshop teacher, curator of discerning writing products and kits, but has nailed the juggling act that is having two little ones in lockdown and smashing a luxury wedding stationery and brand design company. As we delve deeper into Studio Oudizo, we don’t even know which one of those we love the most, plus plenty of relatable lols along the way. And we’re particularly loving the new Change the Date stationery set to help couples ‘own’ that postponement. Meet Ofe and the craft(wo)manship she can bring to your wedding stationery and paper goods (actually not just paper… oh just read it, Ofe it’s over to you!)


WHAT BROUGHT YOU TO THIS POINT OFE? We speak to so many people who find themselves in this wedding supplier world without really planning to, but they find it fits and they are very glad they did - what was your path?

So in the beginning, I thought I wanted to do the corporate thing (following in my dad's footsteps) and got bachelors and masters degrees in finance and investment management. Then I went on to work in tech and banking for a few years. It was ok but... something was missing. 

In 2012 I met this dude, we fell in love and in 2014 I moved to England and married his ass (and the rest of him too). We had a baby girl soon after that and I did that thing new mums do where they're totally taken in by the sweet, new born baby phase and declared "I never wanna leave this delicious bundle of joy!" (don't worry the toddler phase cured me of those feelings) and decided that I wanted to work for myself from home. So I'd fooled around making stationery bits for our wedding, and when my daughter's christening came around, I decided to make all the decorations, invitations etc etc by hand. With a four month old baby on my hip. What was I thinking...

Anyway, they came out totally cute (really tacky looking back, but still cute) and I only pulled a little bit of my hair out. So a lightbulb went off and I thought, why don't I do this?? So I started to research paper, printing methods, taught myself how to do graphic design and use all the fancy software, learned calligraphy, opened an instagram account and went from there. 

Now you know my secret, I'm a total imposter!

*lol, no see above, we are alll imposters!

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Who or what are your biggest inspirations? And where do you find yourself going to physically and mentally when you are looking to get the creative juices flowing!

My husband is a huge inspiration. He's busy breaking glass ceilings in his field and I can only hope to be as cool as him one day. My kids are also inspiring with their curiosity, imagination and creativity. They are SO noisy though! 

I'm inspired by a lot of different people and things. I'm building a small community of amazing creatives around me and they've helped me flesh out so many ideas. I also like to visit pinterest but otherwise I'm not a trend follower. I couldn't even tell you what the colour of the year is. 

My latest creation, the insult prints, was inspired by a group of dirty minded friends. I idly doodled their favourite insults, shared a photo on instagram, joked about selling it and was inundated by requests to make it a print. It was all so organic and wonderful.


What do you love about working with couples and weddings?

I love love! I love hearing their stories, their future plans and seeing their joy. I'm not obsessed with weddings myself (I know crazy!), more interested in relationships. I get to work with couples that are so obviously meant for each other and it's so amazing. I also love the fact that wedding stationery can have a big impact on the design of the wedding day itself. From the colours, to the styling... It's pretty awesome. And wedding stationery makes for excellent keepsakes. I've still got my parents' invitations from thirty-something years ago. I also make heirloom vow books that can be passed on to future generations.


What has been your favourite brief so far and your favourite moment and/or achievement so far for Studio Oudizo?

I love working on briefs that combine calligraphy and other mediums. Large laser cut installations in wood or acrylic are my favourite. I once created a hot pink, laser cut wooden cut out of my calligraphy (the unruly photo). It was about as long as I'm tall (I'm 5'9"). I also like working on surfaces like leather, class, marble, slate... I'll write on pretty much anything. 


Favourite moment so far has been... gosh maybe the first time I ever saw my work in print? The second moment would be the first time I got a thank you card from a client. I still have it. I'm still awed by it... I'm even tearing up a bit right now...


Can you describe a Studio Oudizo day?

That self employed life... there's no such thing as a typical day especially as I work around my kids. I can generally only work for a little while before a small person starts yelling at me, or physically yanking me away from my desk. I'll generally do emails in bed before I get up, get the kids ready for the day, feed them, pack up any orders from my store while they're distracted by food. I then work around them during the day doing social media stuff, feeding them, packing up orders, feeding them, doing design work, feeding them (seriously, why do they never stop eating?), and I do the bulk of the hands on stuff (calligraphy, hand finishing etc) at night when they're in bed. So my days start at about 8 and end between 11pm and 3 am depending on what work I have to do.

*relatable. Apart from 3am - you are a machine!! I know we just gotta do what we gotta do then when it comes to working around being a parent…

What is your work place like - a picture please if you can!

It's currently very pink. I used to have lots of pink in my branding and I wanted my workspace to be on brand too. I'm moving soon and I'm hoping to ditch the pink and go more monochrome with green and gold accents. 


Can you describe the Studio Oudizo couple? Or who you feel is your ideal Studio Oudizo couple!

They're fun, sarcastic, have filthy senses of humour, love food, travelling, are interested in other cultures beyond the superficial, and have started doing the work to be anti-racist. If they share my love of jollof rice and cake, I might have to move in with them. (jk jk, I can't leave the kids apparently).

So….. we’re all trying to keep it on the down low (!) but wedding work is a little slow right now right? So what going on mostly for you right now?

I usually teach calligraphy workshops but Covid has meant I've had to move everything online. So I've currently got an on-demand intro to calligraphy course on my website (free shipping on every order £50 and over). I also have a store where I sell supplies for calligraphy (including my own brand inks and envelope guideline stencils), sweary prints and cards, vow books etc. Oh and wedding stationery. Buy my wedding stationery! It's been so quiet on that front lately that I've forgotten I sell those. 

*Here’s a sample of the Studio Oudizo’s Change the Date suite as well for those postponements and wedding pivots..

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What's next for Studio Oudizo? 

My next goal is to have my stuff stocked in some fancy stores by the end of the year. To this end I'm creating a range of gift wrap, non-seasonal greeting cards, and gift sets. Hoping to have my wholesale catalogue finished soon. I'm also working on a modern calligraphy book but I'm looking for a publisher, so if you have any contacts in buying or publishing... hit me up!

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Check out more here

Studio Oudizo

Also check out Ofe’s beautiful and inspiring instagram

It also features a brilliant and super comprehensive and stylish Black Owned Business highlights, general, lifestyle brands and wedding suppliers, that she has been compiling since forever.

Thanks for being here on the Most Curious blog Ofe!

Becky Hoh-Hale